Injecting a library

Let's now build an application that will inject the DLL into our target process.

First of all, let's download and compile the DirectX 12 samples. We will target the HelloTexture sample. Note that you may have to open the .sln file and retarget it if the build fails.

Invoke-WebRequest ` `

Expand-Archive -Path d3d12-samples
cd d3d12-samples\src\HelloTeture
msbuild -p:Platform=x64

Let's add a binary target to our project's Cargo.toml:

name = "hello_injector"
path = "src/"

What our injector needs to do is find the process and inject the DLL. hudhook provides the facilities to do this in the hudhook::inject module.

The Process struct has two constructor methods: by_name and by_title. The former retrieves the process' ID by its name, the one you can see in the Task Manager, and that usually corresponds to the executable name. The latter finds the PID via matching against a window title. We will try both methods.

Injecting the DLL by process name:

use hudhook::inject::Process;

fn main() {

Injecting the DLL by window title:

use hudhook::inject::Process;

fn main() {
    Process::by_title("D3D12 Hello Texture").unwrap().inject("hello_hud.dll".into()).unwrap();

We can now compile the whole project. First, start up D3D12HelloTexture.exe, then run:

cargo build --release
cd target/release

Our dear imgui window will now show up inside the application's window.