Writing the DLL code

We will build a DLL which tracks how much time has passed since it has been injected, and displays that in a simple dear imgui window.

We need a structure to store our state data. In our case, we only need to keep track of the moment the DLL was injected.

fn main() {
use std::time::Instant;

struct HelloHud {
    start_time: Instant,

impl HelloHud {
    fn new() -> Self {
        Self { start_time: Instant::now() }

We then need to supply hudhook with the rendering code it is supposed to run at every frame. To do that, we import the ImguiRenderLoop trait, and implement that on our structure.

The trait consists of only one method, render. hudhook will supply the imgui::Ui object we need to use to render our UI, we are only tasked with actually implementing our rendering code.

fn main() {
use hudhook::hooks::ImguiRenderLoop;
use imgui::*;

impl ImguiRenderLoop for HelloHud {
    fn render(&mut self, ui: &mut Ui) {
            .size([320., 200.], Condition::Always)
            .build(|| {
                ui.text("Hello, world!");
                ui.text(format!("Elapsed: {:?}", self.start_time.elapsed()));

That's it! Inside of the render method, we can deploy whatever logic and UI rendering we want.