
hudhook is a Rust library for creating in-game overlays, similar to the Steam Overlay.

hudhook allows you to create injectable DLLs that seamlessly hook into the rendering loop of applications and draw a UI on top. This way, you can control the application's state, display relevant information, or do whatever it is you would like to do every time a frame is displayed by the rendering engine.

At the moment, the only UI toolkit supported is dear imgui, but there are plans to support egui in the future for a 100% Rust development experience.

hudhook currently supports rendering on top of DirectX 9, DirectX 11, DirectX 12, and OpenGL 3. If the application you chose to target uses one of these engines, hudhook can get in there and draw stuff for you!

The way this is done is by detouring calls to rendering functions, such as IDXGISwapChain::Present, and introduce custom logic and draw calls before yielding the control back to the host application.

In this book, you will be guided through creating a hookable library and injecting it into a sample DirectX 12 application.

Refer to the crate's documentation for the API.